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Updated at April 15, 2024   11:13 AM

Creating networks and changing security groups

To create a network or security group, create a network.tf file, which will describe the configuration of the created entities. Add the text from the example below and correct the settings for your networks and security groups.

  1. To create a network and security groups, you need the following objects:

    • Resources:

      • vkcs_networking_network: a network to which changes will be made.
      • vkcs_networking_subnet: a subnet from the network. In the example: subnetwork.
      • vkcs_networking_router: a router for an external network and interaction with the outside world. In the example: router.
      • vkcs_networking_router_interface: connect the router to the internal network.
      • vkcs_networking_secgroup: a security group to which access rules will be added.
      • vkcs_networking_secgroup_rule: a rule for the security group. In the example, an access is opened to the network from any IP address on ports 22 and 3389.
      • vkcs_networking_port: create a network port resource inside VK Cloud.
      • vkcs_networking_port_secgroup_associate: bind a port to the security group.
    • Data sources:

      • vkcs_networking_network: an external network for obtaining a floating IP address.
    data "vkcs_networking_network" "extnet" {   name="internet"}resource "vkcs_networking_network" "network" {   name="net"}resource "vkcs_networking_subnet" "subnetwork" {   name="subnet_1"   network_id = vkcs_networking_network.network.id   cidr=""}resource "vkcs_networking_router" "router" {   name="router"   admin_state_up = true   external_network_id = data.vkcs_networking_network.extnet.id}resource "vkcs_networking_router_interface" "db" {   router_id = vkcs_networking_router.router.id   subnet_id = vkcs_networking_subnet.subnetwork.id}resource "vkcs_networking_secgroup" "secgroup" {   name="security_group"   description = "terraform security group"}resource "vkcs_networking_secgroup_rule" "secgroup_rule_1" {   direction = "ingress"   ethertype="IPv4"   port_range_max = 22   port_range_min = 22   protocol="tcp"   remote_ip_prefix = ""   security_group_id = vkcs_networking_secgroup.secgroup.id   description = "secgroup_rule_1"}resource "vkcs_networking_secgroup_rule" "secgroup_rule_2" {   direction = "ingress"   ethertype="IPv4"   port_range_max = 3389   port_range_min = 3389   remote_ip_prefix = ""   protocol="tcp"   security_group_id = vkcs_networking_secgroup.secgroup.id}resource "vkcs_networking_port" "port" {   name="port_1"   admin_state_up = "true"   network_id = vkcs_networking_network.network.id   fixed_ip {   subnet_id = vkcs_networking_subnet.subnetwork.id   ip_address = ""   }}resource "vkcs_networking_port_secgroup_associate" "port" {   port_id = vkcs_networking_port.port.id   enforce = "false"   security_group_ids = [   vkcs_networking_secgroup.secgroup.id,   ]}
  2. Add the example to the network.tf file and run the following commands:

    terraform init
    terraform apply