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Updated at April 15, 2024   08:50 AM


As part of the addon there is Jaeger collector, which requires storage to work. As a storage backend the Jaeger addon from VK Cloud uses Elasticsearch, which is deployed in the form of several replicas.

Installing the addon

Several installation options are available for the addon.

Take into account the total maximum system requirements of addons that will be placed on groups of worker nodes.

Jaeger addon system requirements depend on the selected number of Elasticsearch replicas and the cluster environment. The minimum number of replicas is two, the default is three. Their number can be changed during the standard installation or installation on dedicated worker nodes.

If necessary, perform manual scaling for groups of worker nodes or configure automatic scaling before install.

  1. Install the addon:

    1. Go to VK Cloud personal account.

    2. Select project, where the cluster will be placed.

    3. Go to ContainersKubernetes clusters.

    4. Click on the name of the desired cluster.

    5. Go to Addons tab.

    6. If there are already installed addons in the cluster, click on the Add addon button.

    7. Click the Install addon button on the jaeger addon card.

    8. Edit if necessary:

      • application name;
      • the name of the namespace where the addon will be installed.
    9. Edit the addon settings code if:

      • you need a non-standard number of Elasticsearch replicas;
      • the master nodes and worker nodes are located in different availability zones.
    10. Click the Install addon button.

      The installation of the addon in the cluster will begin. This process can take a long time.

  2. (Optional) Connect to the Query UI.

  3. (Optional) Get to know the practical guide for using Jaeger with the Hot R.O.D. microservice application, the manual shows:

    • Integration of OpenTelemetry into a microservice application so that it sends the data needed for query tracing to Jaeger.
    • Visualization and interpretation of the data collected by Jaeger using the Query UI.

Editing the addon setup code during installation

Editing the addon code is applicable for standard installation and installation on dedicated worker nodes.

The full addon setup code along with the description of the fields is available on GitHub.

Changing the number of Elasticsearch replicas

To set the required number of replicas, change the value of the field in the addon setup code:

elasticsearch:  replicas: <number of replicas>

Changing Elasticsearch storage settings

Elasticsearch replicas are hosted on the worker nodes of the cluster and use persistent volumes as a storage. By default, these persistent volumes are located in the same availability zone in which the cluster's master nodes are located. If the cluster worker nodes and persistent volumes are located in different availability zones, then replicas on these nodes will not be able to work with volumes.

To ensure that persistent volumes work with Elasticsearch replicas, set the storage class, the availability zone of which coincides with the availability zone of worker nodes:

elasticsearch:  volumeClaimTemplate:    accessModes:    - ReadWriteOnce    storageClassName: "<name of the storage class>"

After editing the addon code continue installing the addon.