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Updated at April 25, 2024   09:18 AM

Static routing

Adding a static route

  1. Go to your VK Cloud personal account.

  2. Go to Cloud networksRouters.

  3. Click the name of the router you need.

  4. Open the Static routes tab.

  5. Click the Add static route button.

  6. Set the destination network and specify the network prefix.

  7. Specify the next hop.

  8. (Optional) Specify a metric that determines the priority of static routes in the routing table.

  9. (Optional) Add a route description.

  10. Click the Add button.

Deleting a static route

This is a group operation: you can delete several routes at once by selecting them using the checkboxes.

  1. Go to your VK Cloud personal account.

  2. Go to Cloud networksRouters.

  3. Click the name of the router you need.

  4. Open the Static routes tab.

  5. Delete the route in one of the following ways:

    • Expand the route menu and select Delete static route.
    • Set the checkbox for the required route, then click the Delete button above the table.
  6. Confirm the deletion.