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Updated at March 19, 2024   02:14 PM

The language of search queriesBeta

The search language allows you to:

  • search by one or more filter expressions;
  • apply logical and comparison operations.

To filter logs, use the filter parameters in the search bar:

message: "value"
Search for records that have specified values in their messages. It is the default parameter, you do not need to specify it in the request
"Hello world!"
timestamp <comparison operation> "value"
Search for records sent in a given time interval
timestamp >= "2022-04-10T00:00:00Z"
level <comparison operation> value
Search for records with specified logging levels. Available logging levels — DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL
level >= INFO
payload: "value"
Search through the text of records with specified values in the payload
payload: warning
payload.<field>: "value"
Lexicographic search of records by payload elements. The payload prefix can be omitted if the root element of the tree does not match any of the parameters. You can check the existence of an element in the payload using the EXISTS operator: json_payload.result EXISTS. Such a filter will output records that have a result element in their payload
payload.status: created

To filter records by multiple values of the same parameter, list the values one by one.


  1. The characters ", ' and in an expression are escaped using .

  2. The value can be omitted from quotation marks if it:

    • starts with a letter of the Latin alphabet and contains only letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and underscores;
    • is an unsigned integer.
  3. Available values for timestamp: RFC3339.

Comparison operators

Not equal
More than
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to

Filters with multiple conditions

You can combine several conditions in one filter using logical operators:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT

The order of calculations

Use parentheses to specify a specific order of calculations:

parameter1: "value1" AND (parameter2 = "value2" OR parameter3 < "value3")