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Updated at December 28, 2023   03:13 PM

Managing the logging agentBeta

Enabling or disabling the agent

  1. Connect to the virtual machine.
  2. Make sure that you have the vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit-plugin installed.
  • To enable the agent, run the command:

    sudo systemctl enable vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit.servicesudo systemctl start vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit.service
  • To disable the agent, run the command:

    sudo systemctl stop vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit.servicesudo systemctl disable vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit.service

Configuring the agent to collect logs from additional text files

  1. Connect to the virtual machine.

  2. Make sure that you have the vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit-plugin installed.

  3. Adjust the vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit.conf file as needed:

    • in the [INPUT] section, specify the path to the file in the Path parameter and the tag in the Tag parameter;
    • in the [OUTPUT] section, specify the set tag so that the records get into the logs.
  4. Restart the agent:

    sudo systemctl restart vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit.service

Removing the agent and plugin

  1. Connect to the virtual machine.

  2. Make sure that you have the vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit-plugin installed.

  3. Run the command:

    sudo yum remove vkcloudlogs-fluent-bit-plugin.x86_64